HeLp! (For Massachusetts drivers)

[Want to help without reading the whole thing? Join me by preordering a plate of your own:]
Last July, my car epically double-failed inspection, as in the Big Red “R” sticker. I should never have compared mileages with the other Civic owner. I may have won the battle, he won the waR. Anyhow, I don’t need help with that.
That very same day, I called my favorite car salesman, the one my sisters and I buy our cars from at the Honda dealership in Burlington (MA). His client “Tootie” (or Judy, but she will always be Tootie to me) had just swapped out her leased 2018 Civic EX Turbo Hatch. Tootie reliably puts less than 5,000 miles on her leased cars. (Don’t get any ideas, we already have dibs on her 2021 HRV.) It was all meant to be. The karmic wheels of the universe. (Your help not needed.)
December 30th, I rear-ended a Beetle going 25 mph. I don’t pretend to understand car anatomy, but Tootie’s Turbo was shoved up into her motor. (No damage to the Beetle, mind you, or any people or anything else of any value.) RIP Tootie’s Turbo. And bless the cursed supply chain! (Again, your help not necessary.) The car’s blue book value in December was a neat $10K more than I’d paid back in July, meaning Tootie’s total lo$$ was my gain of $10K.
I’m now driving (not while I’m writing) an all-electric Nissan Leaf. And loving it. EXCEPT for my license plate. I think I saved $45 by keeping my dingy old license plate. I am curious about the EV plates, whether you have to pay extra for the halo effect, but not enough to find out. Besides, I already have my halo-effect on order.
Two Septembers ago, I “received” the STOP HUNGER plate for my 29th birthday. HAHAHA. (I hate 29th birthday jokes.) Thing is, they need 749 other orders to press the plates. Back on my 29th birthday 🤣, it seemed, we were just a few (hundred?) orders away. This week, I got an update. It would seem we are just a few (hundred) orders away:
Thank you again for registering for a Stop Hunger Now license plate and being a partner in our work to address food insecurity in Massachusetts.Thanks to you, we’re on our way to meeting the RMV’s requirement of 750 license plate preorders. We’ll provide periodic updates on our progress. Once we hit that goal, the plates will enter production and will be available for pickup at the RMV branch you selected on your order form!
A mere $75 will buy you this halo AND help increase food security across Massachusetts.

Or as they put it in the suggestion for my social media: Each license plate ordered supports nutrition and food access programs at @BostonMedicalCenter and The Greater Boston Food Bank (@gr8bosfoodbank), ensuring our neighbors can feed their families.
Want to help? Join me by preordering a plate of your own:
C’mon, let’s be plate-twins!