Are you looking for…

The un-hole-y poem text for your Advent Poem Tree? It is here. (Check the “item description.”)

Or, perhaps you’re just looking for the peace that a wintry poem provides. There are twenty-five of them, each furled (is SO a word) into a branch, hand-assembled into the above-mentioned (pictured left) Advent Poem Tree. It is now a little late, but not impossible to get one. (Sorry!)
Or, you might fancy an alternative to lists and gift cards to prevent/arrest the onset of overwhelm or holiday malaise. You could get a print of a cartoon, personalized. I have about five hundred New Yorker rejects on practically every topic you can think of and plenty you haven’t considered. Please email me if you want help making your selection.
Whatever you’re looking for, wherever you are, I hope the holiday spirit finds you this season.